New DEA requirements take effect June 27

Beginning June 27, practitioners will be required to check a box on their online DEA registration form – for both new applicants and renewals – affirming that they have completed eight (8) hours of training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. Below are some FAQs about this new requirement:

  • Is this new training that I need to complete? Not necessarily. Previous and existing training provided by TAPA, AAPA and other organizations can satisfy the requirement.
  • Will I need to complete this training each DEA cycle? No, this is a one-time training attestation that is not currently required for future registration renewals.
  • Do I need to submit CME certificates proving that I completed these courses? No, practitioners do not need to supply “proof” of training. Simply check the box on the application/renewal to attest that you have completed the training.
  • When does the training need to be completed? The training must be completed prior to your next scheduled DEA registration submission (initial or renewal).
  • Do new grads need to complete this training before applying for a DEA? No, PAs that graduated in good standing from a PA school within the past five years of their registration or renewal are deemed to have met the requirement since PA school curriculum includes training on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.
  • I’ve taken TAPA’s Prescribing Practices course every two years. Can I count four of those as the eight hours of training needed? You can count that course towards two (2) of the eight (8) hours needed, but the remaining six (6) hours should come from other training topics.

  • I completed the DATA-Waived training in the past. Can I count that? Yes!

PAs with specific questions about the training may email [email protected] or [email protected].